DatePicker bound to non-nullable property: Displayed value is blank upon resetting TemplateForm

I have a RadzenDatePicker inside a RadzenTemplateForm.


The control works properly in that the initial date shows up properly and it is bound to the form model properly (changing relevant model value updates control display and vice versa). When I reset the form with a button, the value disappears from the control, but the value on the bound property remains what it previously was. This isn't a big surprise, since that property is non-nullable. But I'm trying to find a way to get a default value to appear in the control when the form is reset. My reset button looks like this:

    class="btn btn-lg btn-secondary"

I have tried to explicitly set the values on the click event of the reset button, but that didn't do the trick:

    class="btn btn-lg btn-secondary"
private void ResetForm()
    NewCase.ArrivalDate = DateTime.Today;

The DatePicker popup UI also indicates that the date is selected. If I use the UI to select that date manually, the value doesn't update in the displayed control. If I select any other date, then the displayed value will update properly. If I submit the form with the displayed value blank, the RequiredValidator doesn't trigger (i.e. the value is there, just not displayed).

So it appears that resetting the TemplateForm with a reset button will clear the displayed value, but the actual value remains.

The image here shows what I mean by "displayed value" (yellow) and "DatePicker UI" (green)

Screenshot 2022-11-10 135345