DataGrid inconsistent virtualization with LoadData

There's an inconsistency when using LoadData with virtualization, it occurs even in the documentation:

This basic virtualization works fine (click on OrderID sorting):

But when the LoadData is added, as in the docs:

Creates a lot of LoadData calls, causing "jumping" of the first element, when changing OrderID sorting.

All of these logs are created by just changing the OrderID sorting once, with LoadData:

Console log

21:49:15.30 Skip: 0, Top: 10
21:49:15.33 Skip: 0, Top: 10
21:49:15.35 Skip: 0, Top: 10
21:49:15.37 Skip: 0, Top: 16
21:49:15.49 Skip: 1, Top: 18
21:49:15.64 Skip: 0, Top: 18

Is there any fix to that, so it works more "smoothly", like in the first example?

The virtualisation will request the data as many times as needed. There isn’t any log when using IQueryable.