Datagrid Filter Clear Button Incosistency


I have a string column in a datagrid. When I type a value to filter this column, it filters successfully.

However, there is an inconsistency of clear filter button (the X button next to the filter). In Firefox and Chrome there is no X button. In Edge, when I write a string in the field to filter, the X button becomes visible and when you click on it, the filter text is removed and the datagrid says "No records to display". This is actually a problem because when there is no filter, there are actually records. If I do write a dummy filter value like "a" and remove it again, I see the records are there again.

You can see the button here.

Would be great if you could solve this,
Or is there any quick fixes for this?


This is pseudo clear button applied by Edge for input fields and not part of our DataGrid filtering UI. You can remove it with custom style in your client\src\styles.css:

::-ms-clear { display:none; }

Thanks for this helpful info.

Sorry to ask this here, I thought it was caused by the radzen and not the edge itself.