Custom checkbox Component that Includes layout with Label Keeps refreshing on non checkbox fields are changed

I'm trying to figure out why the checkbox values are cleared when other inputs are changed or clicked

layout snippet

        <RadzenRow Gap="0rem">
            <RadzenTextBoxWithLabel Label="Client" Name="Client" Layout="@InputLayout.Horizontal"
                                    @bind-Value="@AddOrEditContact.ClientName" Placeholder="Client" IsRequired="false" Disabled="true" ReadOnly="true" />
        <RadzenRow Gap="0rem" class="p-1">
            <RadzenTextBoxWithLabel Label="Title" Name="Title" Layout="@InputLayout.Horizontal"
                                    @bind-Value="@AddOrEditContact.Title" Placeholder="Title (optional)" IsRequired="false" />

        <RadzenRow Gap="0rem" class="p-1">
                <RadzenRow Gap="0rem">
                    <RadzenCheckBoxWithLabel Label="Primary" Name="Primary" Layout="@InputLayout.Horizontal" LabelColClass="col-md-7"
                                                TValue="bool" @bind-Value="@AddOrEditContact.Primary" Placeholder="Preferred Name" IsRequired="false" />
                <RadzenRow Gap="0rem">
                    <RadzenCheckBoxWithLabel Label="Email Undeliverable" Name="EmailUndeliverable" Layout="@InputLayout.Horizontal" LabelColClass="col-md-7"
                                                TValue="bool" @bind-Value="@AddOrEditContact.EmailUndeliverable" IsRequired="false" />

Custom component code

@using ComponentLibrary.Blazor.Enums;
@inherits RadzenCheckBox<TValue>
@typeparam TValue
@switch (Layout)
    case InputLayout.Horizontal:
        <div class="@LabelColClass">
            <RadzenLabel Text="@Label" />
        <div class="col">
            <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value=@Value Name="@Name" TValue="@TValue" Disabled="@Disabled" />
            @if (IsRequired)
                <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="@Name" Text=@($@"{@Label} is required") Popup=@Popup Style="position: absolute" />
    case InputLayout.Vertical:
        <RadzenColumn class="rz-p-1">
            <RadzenRow Gap="0">
                <div class="@LabelColClass">
                    <RadzenLabel Text="@Label" />
            <RadzenRow Gap="0">
                <div class="col">
                    <RadzenCheckBox @bind-Value=@Value Name="@Name" TValue="@TValue" Disabled="@Disabled" />
                    @if (IsRequired)
                        <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="@Name" Text=@($@"{@Label} is required") Popup=@Popup Style="position: absolute" />

    case InputLayout.Testing:
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

@code {

    public bool IsRequired { get; set; }

    public InputLayout Layout { get; set; }

    public bool Popup { get; set; } = true;

    public string Label { get; set; } = " No Label set";

        public string LabelColClass { get; set; } = "col-md-4";


Try to debug what is setting the variables bound using @bind-Value in the CheckBoxes. If it’s property you can set the brake point in the property setter.