Conditional formatting datagrid

I found this thread

but I am trying to use conditional formatting on a text field. I want to change text color where the first word in the text field is "All", is there a way to do this?

It seems that you've posted a screenshot, not a link to a thread. I guess you a referring this:

The thread show exactly how to check a property value and apply different style.

Check this thread also for rows: Datagrid change row Color based on value in row - #2 by enchev

Hi enchev, I have reviewed both articles and tried different things. I am new to this and I am looking for the syntax to evaluate based on text. In the example I see the syntax for evaluating a number, but I need to evaluate for text. In SQL I would a WHERE clause, .... WHERE [field] LIKE 'All%'

How can I preform the same condition?

Thank you

@JUN Based on the linked article I tried an example using following code which worked for the Radzen sample data. Not tested extensively and might be better ways.
this.grid0.dataTable.rowStyleClass = (data, index) => { return data.UserName.includes('3') ? 'class1' : 'class2'; }

Those expressions use JavaScript. You should try with with the indexOf function. You need something like

<span *ngIf="data.Property.indexOf('All') == 0" style="color: red">${data.Property}</span>