Combining two TextProperties in DropDown

I have trouble combining two StoredProcedure's columns into one text field in DropDown.
I have Stored Procedure that selects three columns from my database table: ID, InvoiceNo and Name
I have one DropDown control that filters DataGrid and it works great. User only chooses one value from DropDown (Invoice number) and it filters DataGrid. My current TextPropertie is: InvoiceNo But now I need to show buyers name together with invoice number. For example: I have invoice number 123/2019 and buyer name is Ivan Krsmanovic... I need to combine these two values into one and show it in DropDown control like: 123/2019 Ivan Krsmanovic

My DropDown's ValuePropertie is ID so it won't affect filter over DataGrid.

I tried to set TextPropertie like InvoiceNo + ' ' + Name but it shows empty word for every row in DropDown

Can you help me with solution?

Best regards,


You should try the Template property of the dropdown. It would allow you to to combine properties e.g.

${data.InvoiceNo} ${data.Name}

I added this code into template field but now my dropdown looks like this:


When I type data. it gives me list of Stored Procedures columns names.