Can't build

Since I have updated Visual Studio 2022 to 17.6.2 release, i get this message when I try to build : "The namespace '__Blazor.Radzen.Blazor.RadzenGrid' cannot be used with type arguments Radzen.Blazor (net5.0)"
Can you help me, please ?

Try updating to a more recent version of the source code. This is a bug in .NET SDK 7.0.302.

Of Radzen Components ?
Or Visual Studio ?

I have updated the radzen Components source in my project and i get this message :
|Severity|Code|Description|Project|File|Line|Suppression State|

|Error|CS0102|The type 'Tick' already contains a definition for 'Y'|Radzen.Blazor (net5.0)| Tick.razor
Do you know that trouble ?