Cannot get login & security working

i enable security - but not to northwind. to my data source.
admin/admin doesn't work. nothing happens when i try to login.
i see the environment setting in jsonsettings.

how does radzen know where my user table is?
from another app, i already have a table with users - how do i hook this in?
doesn't make sense - unless i'm following the video and using Northwind.
where's documentation on how to do this?

Radzen's built-in security relies on ASP.NET Core Identity. The latter uses a predefined database schema by default. It is possible to implement a custom ASP.NET Core Identity provider that uses existing tables. Here is a forum thread which discusses this.

P.S. I have deleted a forum thread which was a duplicate of this one. Please do not post duplicate threads. They will not lead to a faster response (or any response at all).