Can I use IDE only Create Client not Server

Can I use IDE only Create Client not Server
help me ,thanks

At the moment Radzen will create always Blazor WASM application hosted in .NET server app however you can delete the server application if not needed.

https://localhost:{Port}/_configuration/{DLL Name}.Client

I used Client but , I can't used my custom {Port}.
I have no where to do this.
hop for help ,thanks.

You can change the port from server\Properties\launchSettings.json

in fact, I wan't use Client port 5000 and Server used port 5002.
do this mode. but I fand Client not ok.

Im afraid that I don’t understand what you are saying.

That is to say, my client and server use different port numbers. How to set the client, so that all his background requests use the port number of the server

I already showed you how to change the port used by the server to serve the client. If this is not what you are looking for I suggest you to check official Microsoft documentation on how to host WASM application: