Blazor CRM Demo


Are there any plans to update the CRM tutorial/demo for Blazor, or is Blazor still considered too immature? We are currently evaluating Radzen and would much prefer to work with Blazor but have experienced a much more stable experience when working with Angular (e.g. we ran into this same issue - RadzenCrm Demo).

In general, much kudos to the Radzen team. It’s a very impressive product.



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Yes, we do plan to update the CRM tutorial (probably add a brand new Blazor version). This will happen after Blazor goes official with .NET Core 3.0.

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Thank you, we look forward to it.

Any ETA when we can get this?
now that its been a while .Net Core 3.0 is out

We are close to ready with the CRM tutorial. We will release it this week.

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Just published!


Submitted a PR to fix a build issue.

I logged in with admin/admin

Hit the break point here

 public async Task<IActionResult> Login(string userName, string password)
            if (env.EnvironmentName == "Development" && userName == "admin" && password == "admin")
                await signInManager.SignInAsync(new ApplicationUser { UserName = userName, Email = userName }, isPersistent: false);

                return Redirect("~/");

But upon redirection, nothing comes up.

There is probably an exception. Try logging in with an actual user's credentials. For example / SalesManager1@

Thanks @korchev. That worked.
I will debug and dig through to see what is going on.

Is this repo a few commits behind the demo site?
Asking because the labels arent getting assigned.

This seems to be happening when the user isn't signed in.
Otherwise the labels are working fine

I have a problem with the file input control.
Сompletely repeated the steps on the page "Сustomize security" for setting up the Application Users page but the image does not load and the validator returns an error "Picture is required".
On a github, the CRMDemo project does not contain a picture input field at all..

On a github, the CRMDemo project does not contain a picture input field at all..

It does contain a FileInput in the Profile page.

Yes, it works, many thanks!!

The password confirmation verification component of the user registration form does not work. I can enter any data or leave the field empty, but registration will be successful.

Apparently, the problem is not of interest to developers. The activity of developers is directly proportional to the desire to buy a license

Dear developers, why ignore the question?