Application User Page keeps resetting

Every time I make a change to my database and then select infer schema to update Radzen, it reverts the application user pages back to default. Since I have extended my user tables, it would be nice if this did not revert back every time...

Thank you

Pages will be recreated only if you check the checkbox to generate pages and check the checkbox to overwrite existing pages.

Actually I make sure to uncheck them every time...still resets application user pages (add and edit). I have 4 applications that I have built and they all do it. Maybe it's my installation or something.

I'm unable to reproduce such behavior using latest version of Radzen.

Made some changes in Application Users:

Inferred data source without checking anything for page generations:

Verified that my changes in Application Users page are still there:

It's only seems to be on the add and edit pages...must be something in my system then.

I've tried both Add and Edit Application User pages however again my changes are kept after infer:

It only happens when I add or modify the underlying database and then infer the schema... ie...I add a column to a table or create a new view and then infer the schema to include it in the application...I can work around it...just didn't know if I was the only one...

i have the same issue. i mad copies of the original pages, changed the names of the copies, and use the copies. Add Application User became Add User, etc. Any changes to the database do not affect the Add User page. Any changes to the database always rewrites the Add Application User page. My work around for whatever it is worth.