Added column to database, now I need to update my view

Ok just found the problem.
Retrying deploy I was able to create a
If I run it on Strumenti da riga di comando di .NET (2.2.402)
it works.
If I run it with .NET SDK (5.0.203)
it hangs.
I am talking about linux version of SDK.
Now I need to see if I it really works. I have just seen logo has disappeared in the edit page.

I have uninstalled dotnet 5.0 and installed dotnet 2.1 and now Radzen does not hang anymore. I do not know why, until today, dotnet 5.0 gave no problems but now I will stay on dotnet 2.1 that is still supported.

Now that it does not hang anymore I have tried your changes to the code.
I have added in the edit ricoco a textbox to edit ricoco.byk field.
Now I save and I get an error.
Javascript debugger tells me:

Request URL: https://localhost:5000/odata/RicocoDB/Ricocos(1908)
Request Method: PATCH
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{idReparto: 2, dataImmissione: "2017-06-28T02:00:00.000Z", codiceColore: "3419",…}
additivo1: null
additivo2: null
additivo3: null
additivo4: null
additivo5: null
capoProgetto: "assente"
codiceColore: "3419"
codiceMateriale: "15TO...OPS"
dataImmissione: "2017-06-28T02:00:00.000Z"
finDa: -0.3
finDb: -0.3
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finTollDb: 0.3
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idCartaRiferimento: 7
idReparto: 2
idStandardColore: 4
idStandardColoreFinito: 4
idStruttControllo: 5
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masContrFinito: "carbon très foncè + 213.79"
masContrMescole: "carbon très foncè + 213.79"
mesDL: 3.8
mesDb: -0.2
mtgMax: 0
mtgMin: 0
nomeColore: "mariobyk"
nomeMasterArticoloFinito: "carbon très foncè + 213.79"
nomeProgetto: "BD 95 - MEGANE"
note: ""
noteFinito: ""
noteMescole: ""
noteProduzione: ""
numProgetto: "PCA 00713"
numeroMasterArticoloFinito: "carbon très foncè + 213.79"
pesoEsp: 0
pesoSkin: 0.4
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pigmento5: null
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prodTollDb: 0.4
textbox0: "asdfasdfasdf"
valAdditivo1: 0
valAdditivo2: 0
valAdditivo3: 0
valAdditivo4: 0
valAdditivo5: 0
valPigmento1: 0
valPigmento2: 0
valPigmento3: 0
valPigmento4: 0
valPigmento5: 0
zehMax: 0
zehMin: 0

I do not see the "byk" field in this request.

How did you configure the textbox?

Please provide as much information as possible - this thread is already 40+ posts because you forget to include important details such as trying to run a .NET 2 application with .NET 5 and missing the fact you have not inferred your database for years.

No problem I will try to solve on my own. Yes I have not inferred the database for years but I think you also forgot to tell me that first versions of Radzen do not correct infer code and that I am locked to donet 2.0 that is not anymore supported by Microsoft. Anyway this is exactly the first question where I started the thread and I agree that a RAD tool where I spend so much time to add a text field that has to be a drag&drop operation that takes 5 minutes is not right for me. Now I failed the deadline with the customer I will do other things for next two weeks and then I decide what to do.

This is not true - you are not locked with .NET 2. Radzen allows you to create .NET 3 and NET 5 applications. There are forum threads showing how to upgrade.

It takes a few seconds:

To add a new field you need to infer your data source and either:

  • manually update your page to include an editor for that field - if using the Form component add an item to the Fields property. If using TemplateForm follow the steps from the gif above or refer to the documentation.
  • or regenerate the necessary CRUD pages from the Radzen infer data source wizard.

I will now lock this thread as everything has been explained already. Feel free to contact us by email ( should you decide to cancel your Radzen subscription.