About Radzentabs bug(?)

When tab switches between two similar pages, some bugs appear.

       foreach (var team in editteamlist)
            <RadzenTabsItem Text=@(team.Name + " 队伍")>
                <RadzenButton Icon="close" Text="关闭" Click="@(args =>oncloseteam(team))" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Danger" Style="width:100%; margin-top:2px"></RadzenButton>
                <TeamEditer Team="@team"></TeamEditer>

If I show it all at once, it won't be normal
foreach (var team in editteamlist)

    <RadzenButton Icon="close" Text="关闭" Click="@(args =>oncloseteam(team))" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Danger" Style="width:100%; margin-top:2px"></RadzenButton>
    <TeamEditer Team="@team"></TeamEditer>

TeamEditor is my commponent
There has been a similar situation in <input> before, so I doubt that this may be the blazor bug
The picture will be more difficult to describe the problem I encountered, so I uploaded a video

This problem is very troublesome(

By the experience of last time, I managed to make up for the bug through the following code, but the screen would flash because of this, which was not very beautiful

<RadzenTabs SelectedIndex="@sidx" SelectedIndexChanged="@(args => onswitch(args))">

async Task onswitch(int zqd)
    //sidx = 0;
    await Task.Delay(1);
    sidx = zqd;

Try setting the @key of the tab item:

<RadzenTabsItem @key=@team Text=@(team.Name + " 队伍")>
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Thank you very much! its working.

should be <TeamEditer @key="@team" Team="@team"></TeamEditer>

<RadzenTabsItem @key=@team Text=@(team.Name + " 队伍")>

not working