About Radzen Dropdown

I have used the Radzen dropdown as mentioned below
<RadzenDropDown Change="@CountryChange" id="SelectCountryEmploymentProfile" Name="SelectCountryEmploymentProfile" class="form-select" AllowClear="true" @bind-Value="@editPartyEmploymentProfileViewModel.CountryId" AllowVirtualization="true"
AllowFiltering="true" Data=@countryMaster TextProperty="CountryName" ValueProperty="CountryId" />

And I'm using it in offcanvas modal of bootstrap but the filter is not working for dropdown. I'm unable to type anything in the search input of dropdown.

Hi @SumitRa,

This is a known issue with the bootstrap library. We recommend using the corresponding Radzen.Blazor components.

But than which dropdown of Radzen to use in the offcanvas modal?

Use RadzenDialog instead of the offcanvas bootstrap component.

It means that none of the Radzen dropdowns will work in offcanvas bootstrap component?

Yes, I already said that and linked a forum thread explaining why.