Image control


I want to have a drop-down control and based on the selection show a different image next to it.
What is the best way to do it ?

Hi geoxp,

The easiest way to achieve this is to use our HTML component. Here are the steps:

  1. Create new application and add our Sample OData data-source:

  2. Add new page and drop two Row components:

  3. Drag DropDown component from Radzen toolbox in the first row, bind it to Products, set TextProperty to ProductName and Placeholder to Choose Product:

  4. Add new handler for DropDown component Change event, choose Set Property for event action and set product property to ${event}:

  5. Drag HTML component from Radzen toolbox in the second row and set <img src={{product?.ProductPicture}} /> as content:

  6. Run the application and choose products:

Best Regards,