Date format

Hi !
First impression during reviewing and testing Radzen is impressive. Problem that I found is how to use or display SQL dates in different format - german style: DD.MM.YYYY ?

Hi TAndrej,

You can use date pipe to set desired format:

For example in DataGrid column:

Best Regards,

Hi Valdimir,
i’ve read the documentation from the link. It looks like angular is using the locale settings.
but with

this pipe has only access to en-US locale data by default. If you want to localize the dates in another language, you will have to import data for other locales. See the “I18n guide” to know how to import additional locale data.

My date fields looks like ‘01/01/2018’ and not ‘01.01.2018’ as in locale de-de/german.

Any hints what to do to have all the date fields in the right format?
I think that the date format should depend on the choosen culture!?



Your app is not localized when you run it locally (culture is neutral). The app will be localized when deployed, you can switch the language using the language picker in the top right corner:

Best Regards,

Hi Vladimir,
Ah… ok. I never deployed the app. Only testing till now :slight_smile:
